Root Canal Treatment

What is a Root Canal Treatment?

Have a damaged tooth and not sure what to do about it? Or are you worried about the prospect of extracting this tooth? Even if you have a damaged or infected tooth where the infection has reached the inner nerve of your tooth, there’s still hope. Our root canal treatment might just be the solution to save your tooth and prevent it from being extracted!

Root canal treatment or endodontic treatment is a popular choice among patients dealing with severe decay, trauma or periodontal disease. It is specifically aimed at treating the infected dental pulp (the inner, soft centre of your tooth made up of connective tissues and nerves that extend deeper into your root), which can be very painful.

During this procedure, the infected tissues will be removed from the top of your tooth, and antibiotics will be placed inside the tooth to disinfect the root canal system. Once your root canal is complete, your tooth becomes functional again but it also becomes more brittle and prone to fractures. To protect it from future damage, a crown is often placed on top.


Have a damaged tooth? You may need a root canal.

What Causes an Infected Tooth Nerve?

Here are some dental conditions that usually lead to an infected tooth nerve and put you at higher risk of needing a root canal:

  • Gum disease
  • Severe tooth decay/abscessed tooth
  • An old filling/dental work
  • Repeated dental work
  • Large fillings
  • Chipped/cracked tooth
  • Dental trauma/injuries
  • Bruxism (teeth grinding)


Do I Need a Root Canal?

If you are wondering whether or not you might need a root canal, there are a few signs and symptoms you need to know:

  • Gum disease
  • Pain when biting or chewing
  • Discoloured tooth
  • Pain that doesn’t go away with painkillers
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Inflamed/darkened gums
  • Pus around the affected tooth
  • Pimples forming along the gum line
  • Swollen area in the face

If left untreated, these symptoms will worsen and eventually deteriorate the underlying jawbone, resulting in your tooth being less secure and falling out! You can prevent this from happening by opting for a root canal.


What Are the Benefits of Root Canal Treatment?

One of the most significant benefits of a root canal is that you can save an infected tooth without extracting it. Along with that, you can also enjoy a range of benefits:

  • Relieves the pain from having an infected tooth
  • Prevents jawbone deterioration
  • Makes chewing and biting easier
  • Natural teeth are always better to maintain
  • Improves oral health
  • Prevents the spread of infection
  • Minimal recovery time


What Happens During a Root Canal Procedure?

Your root canal is a relatively simple process that might span just 1 to 3 sessions at most, depending on the severity of your case. After taking x-rays of the relevant tooth and the area around it, a local anaesthetic will be administered to ensure you face minimal discomfort. Your tooth may also be covered with a rubber dam or sheet, isolating the infected tooth from the rest. The infected tissue will then be removed, flushed out and dried before placing antibiotic medication.

Once the tooth is thoroughly cleaned and all the infected pulp is removed, the space will be filled with a rubber-like material. When your tooth has healed it will be quite brittle post-treatment, so a crown may need to be placed over the tooth’s surface at a later date to protect it from any future damage.


Myths and Misconceptions

There are several myths about root canals that contribute to the fear surrounding the procedure. Here are a few:

  • Root Canals are Painful: Modern techniques make the procedure no more painful than getting a filling.
  • It’s Better to Pull the Tooth: Saving your natural tooth is always preferable as it maintains your mouth’s natural structure and function.
  • Root Canals Cause Illness: This outdated myth has been debunked by numerous studies showing no link between root canals and other health issues.

Recovering After a Root Canal

Recovery time will vary from individual to individual, but if you follow the right aftercare, you should be able to bounce back within a couple of days. The first thing you should do following your procedure is to wait for the anaesthesia to wear off before eating anything. Once your teeth have been restored with a crown or filling, we recommend sticking to soft foods and keeping away from anything spicy, hard or chewy to avoid irritating and damaging your newly treated tooth.

Stick to your oral hygiene routine, but employ extra caution when brushing and flossing your teeth. Use an antiseptic mouthwash as needed. Take your time and be gentle because you don’t want to irritate the treated area and slow down the healing process. We can also recommend some pain relievers to help with any irritation or soreness you may feel after the procedure. It is quite common to experience some discomfort or mild pain after the procedure. However, these may make you drowsy, so avoid driving or operating machinery when taking them. Don’t forget to take some rest post-treatment, as it is very important for your recovery. At Wyndham Dental, we’ll make sure to walk you through every step so aftercare will be a walk in the park!


The cost of root canal treatment depends on several factors. For instance, the number of infected canals to be filled, the location of the infected tooth, the cost of the dental crown and the complexity of the procedure can all influence the final cost.

When you visit us for your consultation, we will consider all of these factors to provide an accurate cost estimate. While you are here, you can also talk to our team about our payment plans. We will check your eligibility and guide you through the process so you can enjoy quality dental care without worrying about the cost.

You will simply experience slight irritation in the first few days following your procedure. If you feel pain when biting down, we recommend scheduling an appointment ASAP to assess that your recovery is on track.

Root canal treatment won’t be painful since the affected tooth is completely numbed for your procedure. After your root canal, the treated tooth will be a little tender, but this is completely normal and should only last a few days.

An endodontist is a dentist that is specialized in treatment of the tooth pulp and its surrounding tissues. They take a further degree in additional to their dental qualification, which gives them specialized training for procedures like root canal therapy and endodontic treatment.

If you are looking to save your tooth without extracting it, a root canal might be the best solution. At Wyndham Dental, our dentists combine their expertise and skills with advanced technology to ensure minimal discomfort during this procedure.

We also offer a range of dental services, from sedation dentistry to emergency dentistry and preventative dentistry, to cater to your dental needs and improve oral health.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you!

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