Fluoride Treatments for Teeth

Is a Fluoride Treatment at the Dentist Worth It?

A fluoride treatment at the dentist is definitely worth it as it is one of the most effective ways to strengthen your teeth! And guess what? Stronger, healthier teeth are less susceptible to decay and cavities.

The outermost layer of your teeth (the enamel) contains minerals that can weaken in a process known as demineralisation when bacteria and sugars are present in the mouth. That’s where fluoride comes in! Fluoride helps protect the enamel and remineralises its surface before any problem areas can grow into larger cavities. It is a naturally occurring mineral found in your food, water and certain toothpaste brands. It’s renowned for its ability to combat tooth decay, making it a critical component in dental care products like toothpaste and mouth rinses.

At Wyndham Dental, we offer professional fluoride treatments that you can benefit from when combined with a good oral hygiene routine and diet. Give your teeth the strength they need to remain healthy and fight decay with our fluoride treatment!

Get stronger teeth with fluoride treatment

Is Fluoride Treatment Suitable for Me?

Fluoride is a mineral we all need, but here are some specific instances where fluoride treatment would be a great solution for you:

  • You have a history of tooth decay tooth decay or you are at high risk of cavities
  • You have poor oral hygiene habits
  • You wear braces
  • You have a carbohydrate-heavy or sugary diet
  • You have exposed or sensitive root surfaces
  • You don’t get enough fluoride from your diet or other dental products at home
  • You have poor saliva flow / dry mouth


What are the Benefits of Fluoride Treatment?

Fluoride is a mineral we all need, but here are some specific instances where fluoride treatment would be a great solution for you:

  • Strengthens your teeth by restoring minerals to the enamel.
  • Helps prevent tooth decay and cavities.
  • Reduces pain and discomfort caused by decay.
  • Reduces the amount of bacteria in your mouth and prevents the risk of gum disease.
  • Prevents the need for costly and complex procedures in the future.
  • Safe and effective cleaning.

How Do Fluoride Treatments Work?

When you come in for a fluoride treatment at Wyndham Dental, our dentists will start with a scale and clean to remove any food particles and surface stains. This increases the effectiveness of applying fluoride as it allows the product to come into contact with more surface area of your teeth.

We have a couple of different options at our clinic, so you can choose the one that works best for you. The most comfortable and convenient way to apply fluoride treatment is by using mouth trays that are filled with fluoride foam or gel. You would only need to wear them for a few minutes while at our practice.

Another option available is to have a fluoride varnish painted onto your teeth. This varnish is then left on your teeth for a few hours, allowing it to penetrate the surface better. If you opt for this alternative, we recommend avoiding eating or drinking for at least 30 minutes afterwards for more effective results.

Can I Do a Fluoride Treatment at Home?

While you cannot do it on a professional scale at home, there are different ways you can incorporate a healthy amount of fluoride into your oral hygiene routine to increase your chances of healthier teeth. For example, including natural sources of fluoride like seafood, fruit and potatoes in your diet can boost fluoride levels. The most straightforward way to incorporate fluoride into your oral hygiene routine is to purchase good-quality fluoride toothpaste.

Spit out the excess when brushing but don’t rinse once you are done! This will help to leave a thin layer of minerals on the surface of your teeth for added protection. If necessary, we may recommend a fluoride mouth rinse, which can be purchased over-the-counter. However, you must be careful because over-exposure to fluoride can have adverse effects such as dental fluorosis and white spots on your teeth. At Wyndham Dental, our experienced dentists only use the appropriate amounts that are safe for children and adults. Once you come in for your consultation and assess your oral health, we’ll be able to guide you in greater detail on what products would work best for you.

How Long Does Fluoride Treatment Last?

Fluoride varnish can keep your teeth more protected for several months! It would be more efficient if you reapply it every 3-6 months. At Wyndham Dental, fluoride treatment is usually done as part of your 6-month regular checkups. If you’re behind on your next checkup, call our friendly team today to schedule your appointment! We’ll help you leave our clinic with a healthier smile.

Can Children Benefit from Fluoride Treatment?

Definitely! Fluoride treatment is often recommended for children, especially during their formative years when their teeth are developing and the enamel is still maturing. because they are more susceptible to cavities and tooth decay.

Fluoride treatment acts as a shield by strengthening tooth enamel, making it more resistant to acid attacks and the formation of cavities.

Starting fluoride treatment early not only provides immediate protection but also establishes a foundation for good oral health habits that can last a lifetime. By applying fluoride during this crucial stage of tooth growth, your child can enjoy stronger, healthier teeth as they transition from primary to permanent dentition. This preventive measure complements regular brushing, flossing, and dental visits, ensuring children's smiles remain bright and cavity-free.


Myths and Misconceptions

Despite the benefits, some misconceptions about fluoride treatments persist. Let's debunk a few:

  • "Fluoride is Dangerous": At the levels used in dental treatments and public water supplies, fluoride is safe. It's only harmful in very high concentrations.
  • "I Don't Need Fluoride Treatments If I Use Fluoride Toothpaste": While fluoride toothpaste is helpful, professional treatments provide a higher concentration that offers more significant protection.

Fluoride Treatment at Wyndham Dental

As you can see, fluoride treatment is one of the best ways to strengthen and protect your teeth. However, the key is to make sure you get the appropriate amount of fluoride exposure.

While fluoride treatment offers many benefits, overexposure to fluoride can have certain side effects, especially in children. At Wyndham Dental, our team can help you avoid any side effects of fluoride with safe fluoride treatments that use just the right amounts needed to protect your smile.

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