General Dentistry

Available for all your dental needs

Our dentists in Werribee are available to help you with all your general dental needs. Whether you’re suffering from a painful toothache and have a tooth infection, or you’re looking to improve your smile and lift your confidence, we can help with a dental solution tailor-made for your exact smile.

Take a look at some of the dental treatments we offer below at Wyndham Dental, and if you think you’re in need of help just call our friendly dental staff to make an appointment!


Need help with a dental problem?

Tooth fillings

The placement of a filling on a tooth is mainly used as the treatment of choice for tooth decay (cavities) and broken teeth. Teeth can break due to trauma or sometimes through grinding and clenching. Cavities, on the other hand, happen due to a combination of factors (including a sugary diet, salivary flow & quality, presence of bacteria, and fluoride intake) that lead to demineralization of the tooth surface. These cavities can present symptoms – pain to hot or cold, sensitivity, or a visible stain/hole in your teeth. The aim of a filling is to provide reconstruction to the surface of the tooth, which was lost either through breakage or decay, restoring the functionality of the tooth.

Fillings can be small or large depending on the area of the mouth where the filling is going to be placed. Our experienced dentists place (and replace) fillings with modern, tooth-coloured, high-quality materials. We value your personal preferences when it comes to colour and shape of the fillings as customer satisfaction is very important to us. We also allocate Emergency Appointments so that you do not have to wait long in case you suspect a hole, are experiencing pain, or in the event of a lost filling or a broken tooth. If you feel that that is the case, please get in contact with us and we will be happy to help.


Periodontics (gum treatment)

Gum disease is a very common problem and it can affect people of different ages with different levels of severity. The treatment for gum disease is a combination of work from both the dentist/hygienist and the patient. This also applies to the prevention of this disease. As with the majority of dental conditions, gum disease is much easier to prevent than to treat. It can have many different causes, but plaque accumulation will almost always be involved. For that reason, plaque elimination and keeping good oral hygiene on a long-term basis will be the key to both preventing and treating this disease.

We recommend that most people have a check-up done with one of our Dentists or Oral hygienists every 6 months so that we can evaluate your oral health, clean your teeth, take x-rays if need be, and keep track of possible arising issues. Making sure that you show up to these appointments is the best way to prevent any problems with your oral health. If you feel that your gums are red, swollen, painful, and bleeding or notice that you have consistently bad breath, a bad taste in the mouth, or areas where your gums have shrunk from the teeth, contact us.

Our Dentists and Oral hygienists are prepared to help you and examine the health of your gums and teeth, noting whether plaque or calculus are present, and checking which local and general factors could be contributing to gum disease. We will also give you proper advice on how to look after your gums and teeth, to ensure they are always clean and healthy.


Treating severe tooth decay

Root Canal Treatment (endodontic treatment)

Sometimes teeth can be badly damaged due to decay or other injuries. In such cases, Root Canal Treatment (RCT) could be a good choice if you are determined to save your tooth from extraction. Generally, your dentist will recommend that you keep your natural tooth whenever possible, as they function better than artificial teeth. RCT consists of treating a tooth when there is infection or inflammation of the pulp.

This condition can be very painful and it is often something that can keep you awake at night. The earlier you identify the pain and seek management, the better your outcome will be. If the pulp is not treated quickly, the pain will worsen and infection can spread. Our dentists are qualified to help you, and Daily Emergency Slots are allocated in our appointment book to accommodate you in case something like this happens. In some cases, you will need to be referred to a Specialist in Root Canal Treatment (Endodontist). Please do not hesitate to contact us if you are going through severe tooth pain, the earlier we get to help you, the better!


Tooth Extractions

The removal of a tooth is normally done when there is no other way to save your tooth or as a part of a larger plan (for example, removal of a tooth to make space during the course of orthodontic treatment).

Wisdom teeth extraction is also sometimes recommended. Our team knows and understands that for some people, the thought of going through a tooth extraction can be quite scary. However, we are dedicated to making you feel as comfortable as possible during this procedure. Our dentists are gentle and caring, and with their great technique combined with the sedation methods (and if you are interested, happy gas) our aim is to make it as comfortable as possible for you.

These procedures can vary in duration and level of difficulty, so if you believe you need to get a tooth removed, contact us for an appointment with one of our dentists to find out more. It is most likely that an x-ray will be needed initially to assess your situation and help the dentist plan your surgery. The dentist will talk you through all the details from what to expect, to the procedure itself and post-operatory, and together you can decide on what will be the best option available for you.


If teeth are badly decayed, or severely affected by trauma, gum disease, or wear, your dentist may suggest tooth extraction. In some cases, when there is loss of a certain number of teeth, dentures may have to be fitted to maintain function for chewing and speaking, and also keep the natural appearance of the jaws. There is a large number of people wearing dentures all over the world and with time, new technologies and materials becoming available, they are now looking better and fitting better than before. Types of dentures available:

  1. Partial Dentures: These are used when there are a few teeth missing in the jaw.
  2. Complete Dentures: These dentures are made when all of the natural teeth are missing in the jaw.
  3. Immediate Denture: If you are going to have a tooth removed and would rather not have a gap in your smile, this will be your choice of denture as it is placed on the same day as the tooth is extracted. They are sometimes a temporary solution and a new denture may be necessary in the future.
  4. Over-denture: This denture fits either: on top of remaining teeth, remaining root canal-treated roots, or on top of implants. The remaining teeth, roots, or implants would act like anchors to keep the denture in place.

In some cases, it might be challenging to keep a denture stable in your mouth, and that can happen for different reasons and especially if you wear a Complete Denture. People sometimes come to our Clinic looking for help because of denture displacement while they are speaking or eating. If this is happening to you, ask us about an overdenture with dental implants.

The making of a denture

Before commencing work on your denture, we will do a complete examination of your mouth to understand the reasons behind your tooth loss, and to make sure you have good oral health before you receive the denture. Dentures can aggravate plaque accumulation, and for that reason, you will need specific advice regarding denture hygiene to ensure appropriate care is taken.

Dentures normally take 2 or 3 appointments before they are ready, and it normally takes around 2-3 weeks from your first appointment to the insertion of the denture. These consultations involve taking impressions or scanning your teeth, and assessing the appearance and functionality of your denture before it is inserted. If you are interested in having a new denture made or fixing an old denture, contact us to make an appointment and we will be able to help you.



If you are snoring loudly through the night, you might be suffering from Sleep Apnoea. This happens when there is a blockage of your airways and for short periods of time, you experience cessation of breathing. There are different risk factors related to Sleep Apnoea, but the main ones are obesity and facial skeletal retrusion (abnormal posterior positioning of the mandible). The treatment is going to depend on the severity of the problem and the causative factor, but this condition is very serious and it may lead to premature accidental death. If you think that you might be experiencing this, please contact us and schedule an appointment with Dr. Tarcilio Cavalcante. He will refer you to a sleep physician for diagnosis, and once a conclusion is made, he will be able to discuss the treatment options available for you.

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