All-On-4 Vs All-On-6 Dental Implants: Which is The Best For You?


All-On-4 and All-On-6 dental implants can help fix the missing gaps in your smile and restore your confidence. But what’s the difference between the two and how do you know what’s the best implant method for you?  In this article, we’ve outlined some of the common questions people have before getting a dental implant. Once you are familiar with the differences and benefits of both implant types, we can help you select the best fit for your smile. 

What is All-On-4 Dental Implants? 

All-On-4 dental implants consist of four dental implants that are fitted into your lower and upper jawbones. Dental implants themselves are essentially durable screws attached to your jawbone, acting as a reinforcement system, to which your new prosthetic tooth can be secured to. These could be made of zirconia, ceramic, or titanium. Once inserted, then your new teeth (via your implant-supported dentures, or bridges), are fitted onto implants. However, your dentist will first have to check your medical history and dental health, and run X-rays to see if you are eligible for this treatment.

Once the strongest jawbone positions are located, the four implants will be inserted into the bone, where usually, your front jawbone will have two implants, and your back jawbone will have the remaining two. An abutment will be followed to connect the artificial teeth to these 4 implants. 

Advantages of All-on-4 Implants 

  • It doesn’t need much bone mass from the patient’s jaw as it requires only 4 implants.
  • It has a lesser chance of extra procedures like sinus lift or bone grafting. 
  • It’s more affordable than all-on-6 because of the lower number of implants. 

What is All-On-6 Dental Implants? 

All-on-6 implants use six dental implants in the lower or upper jaws, which are then secured with a bridge or over-dentures (i.e. your new teeth). 

Since two more implants are used, however, this means more bone strength is needed to support them. Hence, All-on-6 might require bone grafting depending on your dental condition, but don’t worry, your dentist will take a look at your dental health first. If so, you can always check your eligibility for All-On-4 which requires less bone stability. 

Advantages of All-On-6 Implants 

  • It’s more stable as two more implants are in place for the dental prosthesis to rely on. 
  • It offers evenly apportioned bite force. 
  • This increased stability and evenly distributed pressure may also help extend the life of your prosthetic teeth

Differences between All-on-4 and All-on-6

  • The main difference is the number of implants placed in your jaw. 
  • All-on-6 treatment has a higher chance of requiring bone grafting
  • There is more strength and stability from all-on-6 implants thanks to the extra 2 implants
  • All-on-6 is costlier than all-on-4, once again due to the extra two implants and potential bone grafting. 
  • All-on-4 doesn’t distribute force as evenly as all-on-6. 

Prosthesis Method For All-on-4 And All-on-6 

Regardless of your choice of implants, you’ll still need to choose how your new teeth will be attached to said implants. Your dentist will check your oral health to recommend the best procedure but it’s good to know some available prosthesis options. 

Hybrid Prosthesis 

The metal framework used in the hybrid prostheses is made from biocompatible chrome (nickel) or titanium, and then it’s plated with acrylic. This  framework supports the artificial teeth’s arch, which is made from white porcelain or resin. Perfect design is ensured using advanced computer software. This prosthesis is placed upon your gums with the support of 4-6 implants 

Once a hybrid prosthesis is screwed into the patient’s mouth, it can’t be removed by the patient. However, hybrid prostheses have several benefits, including improved tooth appearance, enhanced speech, and an uncanny resemblance to your natural teeth. This method also preserves your bone and helps avoid deterioration due to tooth loss. A hybrid prosthesis is highly durable, lasting many years if maintained well. 

Implant- Supported Bridge

This is another alternative to a hybrid prosthesis. Unlike a conventional bridge, in which the neighboring natural teeth are shaped in order to provide support to a prosthetic tooth in the middle, an implant-supported bridge works by attaching a set of prosthetic teeth to implants in your jaw.

An implant bridge is a great tooth replacement method because they support chewing and regular biting much like your natural teeth do. This is a cost-effective option and is an amazing bone stimulator as well. 

All-on-4 Vs. All-on-6 Implants – What’s The Best Procedure For You?

A missing tooth impacts your life and challenges your well-being and confidence. But that’s not all, the surrounding bone in your mouth gets heavily affected when you have missing teeth. The best procedure for you depends on the number of teeth you have and other factors including your strength, density, and jaw bone etc.

There are pros and cons for every treatment and dental plan, and the best fit for your smile can be decided after your consultation with us so call us today to schedule your appointmen