Are Dental Implants The Best Tooth Restoration For You?


Do you have any missing or decayed teeth? If so, dental implants might be a great option for you! 

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that are surgically inserted into your jawbone. Made from materials such as titanium, the implant fuses with the bone to provide a solid base for the prosthetic tooth that will be connected on top. 

Used for over 50 years, dental implants are a trusted and long-lasting solution for anyone who wants to restore their smile. 

Are Dental Implants Worth It? 

At Wyndham Dental, we understand the impact of having missing or decayed teeth. It can be uncomfortable while also affecting your confidence and the way you smile. Missing teeth left untreated can cause your other teeth to move and tilt. This can lead to issues with biting, uneven wear and cracks along your teeth. It can also create difficulty cleaning your teeth, making you prone to gum disease and cavities. 

Missing teeth can even affect the shape of your face. Normally, biting down or chewing food stimulates your jawbone by transmitting force through your tooth to keep it healthy and strong. When you have missing teeth, it can lead to jawbone deterioration due to lack of stimulation. Dental implants, together with your prosthetic teeth, can solve this problem by replacing your tooth right down to its root, continuing to stimulate your jawbone and keep it healthy 

Implants are also a great alternative to dentures as they are more comfortable and low-maintenance. As a result, implants are fast becoming the go-to treatment for tooth replacement. 

If you’re interested in dental implants, talk to our trusted team of dental professionals to find out if you are eligible and let us restore your beautiful smile. 

Advantages of Dental Implants

-With a natural look and feel, dental implants allow you to smile confidently.

-Dental implants provide the necessary stimulation to keep your jawbone healthy and strong. 

-Dental implants cause discomfort compared to traditional tooth replacement options.

-Treatment does not affect surrounding teeth. 

-Easy maintenance as they require the same care as your natural teeth.

-High success rates if performed by experienced implant dentists. 

Natural-looking, long-lasting, and high success rates — what more could you ask for? 

Risks of Dental Implants

Problems associated with dental implants are very rare as this procedure has high success rates. However, on rare occasions, tooth implants could lead to complications such as: 


-nerve damage 

-sinus problems

-injury or damage to surrounding areas. 

We cannot emphasize enough on the importance of choosing a reputed implant dentist and high-quality dental implants when restoring your smile to reduce such risks and significantly increase your success rate. Our dentists will be transparent about the potential risks associated with dental implants early in the process, but you can rest easy knowing that you are entrusting highly experienced dental professionals with your smile. We will also provide proper after-care instructions to help minimize these risks. 

Are Implants the Right Option for Me? 

One of the great things about implants is that this procedure has no upper age limit. You can be an eligible candidate for dental implants if you:

-have a healthy jawbone

-have healthy gums 

-don’t have medical conditions such as diabetes and osteoporosis

-don’t have habits such as smoking

Schedule a consultation with one of our dental specialists at Wyndham Dental to check your eligibility. Don’t forget to discuss your medical history with our dentist during the initial consultation. This will help our dentists to come up with the most suitable treatment options for you. 

How are Implants Fitted? 

-Schedule a consultation with one of our dentists. This will allow us to examine your teeth and assess your eligibility. 

-We will take a series of scans to plan and position the implant. These scans will also help us determine whether you have a healthy bone structure to support the implant. 

-If you have been missing your teeth for many years, bone grafting may be necessary before implanting. A bone graft is a surgical procedure that adds strength and durability to the jawbone, providing a sturdy base for the implant to be inserted into. 

-The dental implant will be inserted into your jawbone in a straightforward surgery. You will be given an anaesthetic to ensure minimum pain throughout the procedure. 

-The implant will then be left for two to six months, during which you may wear a temporary crown. This will allow the bone to fuse with the implant. 

-Once the implant is securely fused to the bone, a prosthetic tooth will be inserted. 

The entire dental implant procedure can take about two to six months. However, it may vary depending on individual case needs, such as the number of implants needed, the severity, and overall health. 

Recovery, Maintenance and Next Steps 

After getting dental implants, we recommend avoiding the intake of food for about 7 hours to allow the numbness to wear out. You can stick to drinking water or cold drinks instead. We also recommend a diet with soft foods during the first few days after surgery. This can include smoothies and shakes, juices, smooth soups and broths. This will quicken the healing process because it doesn’t place any strain on the surgical site

Taking care of your implants is equally important to keep that smile on your face in the long run. They require the same maintenance and care you give your natural teeth, so make sure to brush and floss your teeth regularly. You should also schedule checkups every 6 months to make sure your implants and gums are healthy and in tip-top shape. With regular and routine maintenance, you can prevent problems like gum inflammation, infection, and bone loss.

Our team of dental professionals at Wyndham Dental will be by your side every step of the way and guide you on how to take care of your implants, so you can confidently smile your way through life.