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Woman staring at mirror while inspecting her teeth

Black Spots on Teeth that aren’t Cavities

Finding black spots on your teeth can be an alarming find and it’s rightfully so, given what it would mean. Bad oral hygiene is no joke and having a visual marker of it can be daunting. However, not all black spots are cavities. Black spots are a common issue caused by various factors ranging from diet to dental hygiene, often mistaken by many to be tooth decay due to dental misconceptions. Read on to learn how to identify, prevent, and treat tooth discolourations and understand why they occur. Identifying Black Spots A dental cavity occurs when the enamel is damaged … Continue reading


Dental Wellness in Werribee: Tips for a Healthy Smile 

Your smile is often the first thing people notice about you and a beautiful smile can leave a lasting impression. After all, a healthy smile is one that makes you feel good about yourself and makes you feel confident without even trying. The good news is that a stunning smile is well within reach for anybody with a little time and effort. All it takes is some daily care and attention. The end result will be a bright, confident and healthy smile that steals the show.  Here are some tips for a healthy smile put together by our team at … Continue reading


How Can I Relieve Tooth Nerve Pain?

What is Tooth Nerve Pain? Tooth nerve pain, more commonly known as toothaches, can be a painful and distressing experience. It occurs when the nerves inside your teeth are either inflamed, irritated or damaged, allowing external stimuli such as heat and cold to reach the nerve endings of your teeth. From sudden/mild toothaches that cause on-and-off pain to severe toothaches that cause constant pain and throbbing, tooth nerve pain requires urgent dental assistance as soon as possible. Left untreated, this pain can worsen, leaving you in excruciating discomfort that can affect your daily life. If you have a toothache that’s … Continue reading

Holding jaw in pain

The Ultimate Guide to Managing Sensitive Teeth

Imagine indulging in your favourite ice cream without wincing in pain and sipping a cup of hot tea without any discomfort. Tooth sensitivity is not something that should hold you back from enjoying the things you love.  Tooth sensitivity is a dental condition where you feel a short, sharp pain in your teeth when exposed to an external stimulus. It could be hot or cold foods and drinks, the cold air or even the touch of your toothbrush when brushing your teeth.  While this pain typically lasts for a few seconds and wears off once the stimulus is removed, it’s … Continue reading

whitened smile

Say Goodbye to Stains: 5 Tips for a Whiter Smile

We all dream of having a bright, white smile. A dazzling smile is a confidence booster that can spread your smile even wider. Unfortunately, however, stained teeth can be quite a common and pesky issue many Australians face. While stained teeth are not always an indicator of unhealthy teeth or poor oral health, they can really do a number on your confidence — especially in social situations.  So, what’s causing your teeth to discolour? Well, there are a few possible reasons for this. Sometimes, it could be caused by an underlying dental problem. Also called “intrinsic stains”, they result from … Continue reading


Loose Dental Implants: All You Need To Know

Are you concerned you may have a loose dental implant? Dental Implants offer a long-lasting, natural-looking alternative to dentures or bridges. However, like any medical procedure, they are not without their complications. One such issue is a loose dental implant, which can be concerning and uncomfortable. In this article, we’ll dive into all you need to know about loose dental implants. From the potential causes to the symptoms, what you can do, available options for repair/replacement, and tips on preventing it from happening. What is a loose dental Implant? A dental implant is designed to be a stable and long-lasting tooth … Continue reading

woman sipping water

Effective Tips to Beat Dry Mouth

Have you ever experienced a dry mouth? If you have, you probably know how uncomfortable and frustrating it can be. From medication to dehydration, there are many factors that can cause dry mouth, which can significantly affect your daily life. Whether you’re experiencing it for the first time or dealing with it frequently, it’s important to understand the condition and how to treat it. In this blog, we’ll talk about some of the best ways to treat dry mouth and maintain optimal oral health. So, keep reading to learn more! What is Dry Mouth?  Dry mouth (also known as xerostomia) … Continue reading

Child smiling at dentist

Understanding Early Tooth Decay in Kids: What Can I Do About It?

What Is Tooth Decay?  Having healthy teeth and good oral health is important for our overall health and happiness, and it’s no different to kids. That’s why taking good care of your child’s teeth is important so they don’t suffer from tooth decay.  Also called dental caries or baby bottle tooth decay, decay occurs when the enamel of the tooth (that is, the hard, outer surface) is damaged. Since the enamel of kids’ teeth is thinner and softer, they are at higher risk for tooth decay.  What Causes Tooth Decay in Kids?  Did you know that eating a lot of … Continue reading


Understanding Toothaches & Tooth Nerve Damage

Ever had a toothache and know just how painful it can get? A toothache is a sign of dental nerve damage, and this is a common problem that can occur due to several different reasons including decay, injury, wisdom teeth impactions etc. Once nerve damage has occurred, there isn’t much you can do about it from home without the help of a dental professional. The first thing you need to do when experiencing a toothache is seek help from a dentist for a detailed checkup. Once you come in, our dentist will be able to evaluate and see if this … Continue reading


Your Guide To Picking Out The Right Dental Care Products

The oral care market has boomed and while this array of options may be a great thing, customers also need to know what exactly is best for their own teeth, tongue and gums. Here’s a handy guide to keep in mind when you’re next browsing through the shelves for any kind of dental care product! Toothbrush 1. Bristles We always recommend opting for soft bristles, especially if you have sensitive teeth and gums. Hard bristles can actually be more damaging to your enamel, which is the outer layer of your tooth that plays a vital role in protection and keeping … Continue reading