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Can Sleep Apnoea Snoring Be Cured?

There’s nothing quite like a good night’s sleep at the end of a long day. It’s like hitting the reset button, giving your body and mind a chance to rest and reset for the next day.  However, if you find yourself waking up tired and feeling like you’re not fully rested, it could be a sign of a sleep disorder. One of the most common sleep disorders is Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA), which when left untreated can disrupt your sleep, health and life.  At Wyndham Dental, we provide sleep apnoea treatment for our patients so that you can get a … Continue reading

Do Dental Crowns Feel Natural?

Ever wondered if a dental crown could seamlessly blend in with your teeth, offering not just a fix but a natural feel, too? It absolutely can! In this blog, let’s dive into dental crowns and answer the pressing question of whether dental crowns feel natural.  Dental crowns, also known as tooth caps, are effective dental restorations used to restore the shape, appearance and function of teeth. From preserving a weakened tooth to restoring a damaged tooth, dental crowns are a truly versatile solution.  These dental crowns are custom-made to fit over the natural tooth and blend in with the rest … Continue reading

Porcelain crowns placement over premolar and molar teeth. Medically accurate 3D illustration

8 Signs You May Need A Dental Crown

What is a dental crown? A dental crown is like a cap for your tooth. It’s a cover that’s custom-made to fit over a damaged or decayed tooth, restoring its shape, strength and appearance. You can think of it as giving your tooth a new outer layer to keep it strong and help it look great again.  Our dental crowns are meticulously fabricated using materials that mimic the look and feel of real teeth, so once they’re in place, nobody can tell the difference! When would you need a crown? Here are some of the most common reasons why you … Continue reading

Picture of adult woman having a visit at the dentist's

Do I Need Root Canal Treatment?

What Is A Root Canal Treatment? A root canal treatment (also known as an endodontic treatment) is a dental treatment used to save a tooth that is infected or severely decayed.  The treatment involves removing the infected or damaged pulp from the inside of the tooth, cleaning and disinfecting the root canals, and then filling and sealing them. Let’s first understand how your teeth work before diving into root canal treatment and how it can help save your smile!  Your Tooth Structure  Our teeth have a structure that consists of different layers and components. Here is a simple overview of … Continue reading

orthodontic treatment for kids

Early Orthodontic Treatment: When’s The Best Age To Start?

Early orthodontic treatment is the ideal way to catch budding problems with your child’s developing mouth and jaw in its earliest and more easily correctible stages. This type of dental treatment can be used to intercept common problems such as overcrowding, misaligned teeth, incorrect bites etc. in order to reduce the severity of problems that will arise as your child grows into an adult. When’s the best age to start, however? We usually recommend starting early orthodontic treatment between the ages of 7 and 10. Starting early orthodontic treatment this young while your child’s jawbone is still malleable and developing … Continue reading


All-On-4 Vs All-On-6 Dental Implants: Which is The Best For You?

All-On-4 and All-On-6 dental implants can help fix the missing gaps in your smile and restore your confidence. But what’s the difference between the two and how do you know what’s the best implant method for you?  In this article, we’ve outlined some of the common questions people have before getting a dental implant. Once you are familiar with the differences and benefits of both implant types, we can help you select the best fit for your smile.  What is All-On-4 Dental Implants?  All-On-4 dental implants consist of four dental implants that are fitted into your lower and upper jawbones. … Continue reading


How To Make Your Implant-Supported Dentures Last

If you’re looking for a more comfortable option to your conventional dentures, implant-supported dentures may be the best solution for you! Secured to your jaw using as few as 2 to 6 dental implants, these overdentures can replace a full set of teeth and if properly maintained can last for up to 20 years (or longer!). Here’s what you need to do in terms of maintenance to ensure your investment lasts: Non-abrasive toothpaste Bacteria are as capable of accumulating on your prosthetic teeth just as much as natural teeth. The only way to reduce or avoid your chances of cavities … Continue reading


Understanding Wisdom Teeth Pain

Your wisdom teeth erupt later on in life, and are your third and final set of molars. This eruption usually occurs during your mid teen years or late 20s. The main reason people consider getting their wisdom teeth removed is mostly because they (or the areas surrounding them) start to hurt. Here’s everything you need to know about wisdom teeth pain. Managing the discomfort The pain you feel around your wisdom teeth stems from pressure or swelling. One of the most common initial symptoms you notice may include soreness that fluctuates from one day to the next. The pain your … Continue reading


How Does Denture Relining Work?

Do your dentures not fit the way they used to? If you aren’t looking to have your dentures completely replaced, then the next best thing our dentists will recommend would be denture relining to have them comfortably fitted once again to your smile. Here’s a guide that will give you more information on the process: The Process The procedure for denture relining is quite a simple one, and it usually takes less than an hour to complete. To start your appointment, our dentist will carry out an assessment of your oral health to determine the level of irritation present. Your … Continue reading

Different Types of Sedation to Help With Your Anxiety

Does the thought of visiting your dentist give you a lot of anxiety? If so, sedation dentistry might be something you ought to consider! Sedation dentistry involves a range of different techniques that can be utilise according to your specific needs and preferences to help you relax during your appointment. In certain instances, medical clearance may also be needed if you have severe dental issues and a complicated medical history. Dental sedation may help a patient with anxiety relief, pain relief, passing time and reducing claustrophobia. Here are the types of dental sedation commonly available to our patients: Laughing gas … Continue reading