Combining Cosmetic Treatments


When it comes to getting the perfect smile makeover, there’s more to it than just achieving teeth that look straighter and whiter. We also work closely with our Wyndham patients to find the right solutions that fit their budget and ideal timelines.

Sometimes, it means finding the fastest option available for a last-minute important event. At other times, it involves an affordably savvy procedure until a more complex solution can take place later on.

Ultimately, a smile makeover almost always involves more than one type of treatment. In most cases, our Wyndham dentists combine various aesthetic strategies on a tooth-by-tooth approach until we’ve designed the ideal “big picture” for what you’re looking for.

This may involve a combination of cosmetic dentistry services like:

In-House Teeth Whitening — Get whiter teeth in just one appointment. Same day whitening is efficient and fast for our patients who are short on time.


Take-Home Teeth Whitening — Conveniently whiten your smile at home or while you’re traveling. Home kits make it easy to maintain your results.


Cosmetic Bonding — Quickly patch over a chipped tooth in just one appointment. Bonding offers dramatic results by correcting localized aesthetic flaws in your smile.


Gum Recontouring — Do you have a “gummy” smile or see more gums than teeth when you look in the mirror? Gentle recontouring can help your teeth appear fuller.


Porcelain Veneers or Crowns — Restore broken or misshaped teeth with handcrafted porcelain restorations. These treatments usually require two visits at least two weeks apart.


Dental Implants — For missing teeth, there’s nothing better than getting dental implants. The process tends to take several months, so wearing a temporary partial can provide you with aesthetic relief throughout the duration of your care.


Find Out Which Plan is Best for You

Get a customized smile makeover at Wyndham Dental. We’ve been creating beautiful smiles for over 30 years!