Common Symptoms of Tooth Decay


“Do I have a cavity?”

It’s a question we hear a lot at Wyndham Dental, and for those of us who tend to get cavities fairly frequently, it’s not a surprise. But if it’s been years since you’ve had — or you’ve been lucky enough to never have — a cavity, it’s a logical thing to ask.


Signs to Look For

Aside from need a clinical exam and digital X-rays to thoroughly screen for smaller cavities, here are a few symptoms to keep your eye out for:


Discoloration or darkening. Not all cavities are dark holes on your teeth, but sometimes they are. Darker areas that don’t look like the rest are a good reason to have your Wyndham dentist check it out.

Roughness or sharp edges. Your tongue may be the first to notice there’s a cavity, especially if you run it over your tooth and feel something that isn’t smooth.

Problems with food or floss getting caught. Open spaces in your tooth tend to catch food while you’re eating, or shred your floss when cleaning those areas.

A visible hole in your tooth. Large cavities that are visible to the naked eye may require more than a filling to fix them.

Dark edges around an existing filling. Fillings don’t last forever. If your old one is starting to leak, a new cavity may be developing around the edges where bacteria have seeped in.

Sensitivity when you eat. Firm textures or sweet drinks can set off triggers in your tooth, irritating the nerve if there’s a cavity present.

Schedule a Checkup Today

If you suspect that you may have a cavity, it’s best to treat it while it’s small and only needs a filling. Contact Wyndham Dental today to schedule an exam. We’ve been caring for Wyndham smiles for over 30 years!