Dental Veneers Maintenance and Home Care


Dental veneers are a fantastic option for enhancing your smile. If you just completed a Wyndham smile makeover with porcelain veneers, we know how excited you are to enjoy the results. Like any dental investment, maintaining them requires some care and attention and it’s important to take special steps to ensure that you protect your dental work for as long as possible.

Follow these important dental veneer care tips to ensure your veneers stay in top-notch condition:

Brush Your Veneers Daily

Veneers may not decay like natural teeth, but the teeth underneath them can still be affected by cavities and gum disease since veneers only cover the front part of your teeth. Your natural teeth are still exposed to bacteria and food particles, making your daily oral hygiene routine essential.

Be mindful and treat your veneers as you would your natural teeth. Regular oral hygiene practices should be followed even if your veneers look clean. This mistake often leads to bad breath from neglect. Never skip brushing twice every day and use a soft-bristled toothbrush to prevent damage.

Use mouthwash to help reduce bacteria that cause bad breath and gum disease. It is an easy step for quick maintenance.

Floss Your Veneers Daily

First things first: flossing will not pull your veneers or other dental work off. But not flossing can lead to bacteria seeping under the edges of your veneers, causing them to eventually come loose. Floss daily to remove food particles and plaque between your teeth and along the gum line. Proper flossing techniques will help maintain healthy gums and prevent staining along the edges of your veneers.

To properly floss around a veneer, wrap the strand in a “C” shape against the side, then rub up and down along the tooth, veneer, and just under the gums. Lift the floss over your gum tissue then repeat the process on the adjacent tooth. If traditional floss is a challenge to use, consider a water flosser.

Use a Non-Abrasive Toothpaste

Do not brush your teeth with baking soda or abrasive pastes. Doing so could scratch your porcelain and neighbouring teeth, leading to tiny surfaces that collect stains and bacteria. To keep your smile bright and clean, use a non-abrasive toothpaste with fluoride.

Our dentists at Wyndham Dental make sure to guide you through this process by recommending good cleaning products and tools after all dental work.

Wear a Mouthguard

The porcelain in your veneers is quite strong, but it isn’t indestructible. If you have any tendency to clench or grind your teeth while you’re sleeping, then you need to wear a bite splint or nightguard.

During contact sports, it’s useful to wear a mouthguard. Even a minor impact can cause significant damage to veneers, so investing in a mouthguard can save you from costly repairs. Our dental practice offers the facilities to get a custom mouthguard made to fit you perfectly and seamlessly. This added layer of protection will help prevent chipping or fractures in your new veneers and provide a cushion, absorbing the impact of grinding.

Book a Checkup Every Six Months

Routine dental visits are vital for keeping your veneers and overall oral health in check. Your dentist will assess the condition of your veneers during these visits, ensuring they are still securely bonded and free from damage. Regular cleanings also help prevent plaque buildup, which can affect the longevity of your veneers.

Our Wyndham dentists will carefully evaluate your veneers to ensure they’re secure and the tooth underneath is healthy. If problems start to develop, we’ll need to intervene as soon as possible. Booking routine visits can help you prevent unwanted complications.

Call Wyndham Dental today to schedule your next appointment!