Different Types of Sedation to Help With Your Anxiety

Does the thought of visiting your dentist give you a lot of anxiety? If so, sedation dentistry might be something you ought to consider! Sedation dentistry involves a range of different techniques that can be utilise according to your specific needs and preferences to help you relax during your appointment. In certain instances, medical clearance may also be needed if you have severe dental issues and a complicated medical history. Dental sedation may help a patient with anxiety relief, pain relief, passing time and reducing claustrophobia. Here are the types of dental sedation commonly available to our patients:

Laughing gas

Formally known as Nitrous oxide, laughing gas is one of the most commonly used types of sedation. This type of sedation doesn’t put you under but is quite efficient when it comes to reducing your levels of anxiety. The effects also tend to wear off rather fast, allowing you to return to work (or your child to school) soon after. It is also safe to drive soon after the effects wear off, which is typically 5-10 minutes after the gas supply ends. This solution keeps the dental visit a stress-free and smooth experience.

Enteral sedation

For patients who prefer to have an orally administered option, enteral sedation comes in the form of a pill or liquid. It is usually combined with nitrous oxide for better results. This type of sedation usually helps you relax, and at times fall asleep, but you’ll be able to easily wake up and respond to any instructions.

Intravenous IV sedation

Another type of sedation which is directly injected into the vein is IV sedation, which is stronger than oral or gaseous sedation. This relaxes the patient while still keeping them conscious. It’s also faster to take effect than oral sedatives (which usually take up to an hour).

At Wyndham Dental, we are fully qualified to administer dental sedation, allowing you to now get through your dentist’s appointments with ease. Don’t let that fear jeopardize your oral health, schedule your appointment today!

Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

  • Reduces Anxiety: Helps anxious patients undergo necessary dental treatments comfortably.
  • Pain Management: Enhances pain control during procedures by minimising discomfort and sensitivity.
  • Gag Reflex Control: Minimises gag reflex, making procedures easier to perform.
  • Efficient Treatment: Allows the dentist to perform multiple or complex procedures in a single visit, while the patient remains calm for a long period.
  • Reducing Claustrophobia: Procedures that require the use of a dental dam can make someone suffering from claustrophobia feel uncomfortable. Sedation will help reduce this claustrophobic feeling.

Considerations and Safety

  • Patient Evaluation: A thorough medical history and evaluation will be done to determine the appropriate type of sedation.
  • Monitoring: Continuous monitoring of the vital signs of the patient will be followed.
  • Informed Consent: Patients would be informed about the type of sedation, its effects, and potential risks before proceeding with the dental sedation.

Consulting with your dentist about your anxiety and discussing the best sedation option for your specific needs can help ensure a more comfortable and stress-free dental experience.

At Wyndham Dental, we are fully qualified to administer dental sedation, allowing you to now get through your dentist’s appointments with ease. Don’t let that fear jeopardise your oral health, schedule your appointment today!