Four Benefits of Bonding


Dental bonding (also called cosmetic bonding) is an aesthetic service that we offer in our Wyndham dentist office. Although not as popular as whitening and dental veneers, bonding can make a huge impact in the overall look of your smile because of how effective it is.

Bonding is essentially a tooth-coloured resin that we shape over your tooth to fill in a surface flaw.

Instant Results

A bonding treatment requires very little time and can be completed in one appointment. Sometimes, it can be completed the same day that you visit us for an emergency (such as a chipped tooth.) It’s almost easier than having a small cavity repaired with a white filling. The moment it’s over, you’ll see a brand-new smile looking back at you in the mirror. It’s almost underwhelming when you think about how simple the process really is!


Cosmetic bonding is one of the most affordable types of aesthetic services that we offer. If you need a smile makeover on a budget, then be sure to ask whether bonding is appropriate for your specific needs.

No Numbing Needed

Bonding is applied on top of your tooth, so there isn’t any significant reshaping or drilling necessary. Because of this technique, your tooth probably won’t need to be numbed with local anesthetic.

Affects Your Entire Smile

Since just one chipped tooth or gap can alter your overall appearance, using dental bonding to cover it up can be just as significant. When your smile looks healthy and whole again, no one will notice the broken tooth or gapped smile that you sported up until that moment.

For more information on cosmetic bonding, call Wyndham Dental. We’ll be happy to screen your smile to see if you qualify and provide you with a detailed price estimate on the same day. Contact us today.