What Could Be Causing Your Sensitive Teeth?


Do you experience a sharp pain when you bite into hot/cold foods? Is any part of your mouth tender when you brush your teeth? Increased tooth sensitivity can be caused by a number of reasons. Here are some of the most common factors to blame that you’ll want to watch for:


Cavities and more severe cases of decay, such as an abscessed tooth, can lead to increased tooth sensitivity. But keep in mind, not all cavities are painful. Some can go unnoticed until they reach irreversible, advanced stages. This is why it’s often recommended to visit your dentist every 6 months to catch decay early.

Whitening Products

Do you use over-the-counter whitening products? If yes, trace it back- when exactly did your sensitivity issues begin? We’ve noticed a lot of patients tend to experience sensitivity when using commercial whitening products since these tend to open up the pores in teeth. If you want a brighter, whiter smile, the safest route is to work with a dentist.

Receding Gums

The roots of your tooth are far more sensitive since they’re not covered by hardened enamel. When your gumlines recede, they leave your roots exposed to outside stimuli, leaving these particular areas feeling tender or sore. The solutions for this may be a gum graft, bonding or desensitizing treatment, depending on your individual smile.

Wear and Tear

Even enamel can erode over time due to excessive wear or acid erosion from your diet. As the tooth thins out, the nerve inside your tooth may become more sensitive to outer stimuli given the decreased protection.

Want to figure out what’s causing your tooth sensitivity? Schedule your appointment with Wyndham Dental today!