Missing Teeth Solutions

Solutions for missing teeth

Did you know that the average person between the ages of 20 and 64 has 3 or more decayed or missing teeth? At Wyndham Dental Solutions, we want to educate you regarding the loss of your teeth and of course, how we can help you replace them through use of various dental solutions such as dental implants, dentures and more that will help bring back your smile! Unfortunately, the loss of your teeth can start simply from not caring enough about your dental hygiene but there are many other reasons you can lose a tooth, read below for more details.


Need help restoring your smile?

Reasons for missing teeth

Gum disease

The most common cause of tooth loss is gum disease and this begins with not maintaining a healthy mouth. When teeth are not brushed and flossed regularly, bacterial plaque and tartar build up around the teeth, causing inflammation in the gums and inevitably, irreversible damage to the jaw bones beneath – a disease known as periodontitis. Teeth become mobile and eventually, they fall out of their sockets owing to the lack of jaw bone support.


Dental Decay

Dental caries or decay is caused by the lack of regular and proper maintenance of oral hygiene, allowing bacteria to accumulate in the mouth in the form of plaque and releasing acids onto the teeth, which is what causes their break down. This bacterial destruction of the teeth causes cavities to form, which can reach the dental nerve or pulp, causing severe pain and if left untreated, eventually break down the entire tooth structure and lead to a missing tooth.


Dental Trauma

Sometimes something as simple as a fall can impact your tooth and can cause it to dislodge completely from its socket. Dental trauma could be caused by active sports, playing rough games without mouth guards and even during a physical fight.

In addition to losing a tooth or multiple teeth, dental trauma may also bring with it injuries to the surrounding tissues such as the lips, gums and the tongue. We always advise at Wyndham Dental Solutions that you wear your sports or mouth guards whenever indulging in a sport, no matter how safe it may seem, as accidents can happen at any time!

Systemic Conditions

There are many health factors that may also lead to missing teeth if they are not controlled. Certain systemic diseases such as Arthritis, Diabetes Mellitus, vitamin deficiencies and even smoking damage the jaw bones to the point of the teeth becoming loose in their sockets and eventually, falling out.
We always advise that you have regular medical and dental check-ups, to avoid any loss of your teeth as well as to keep healthy!


Severe Tooth Infection

A severe tooth infection, also known as an abscessed tooth, can lead to tooth loss if left untreated. Extraction may be necessary to prevent the spread of infection when a tooth becomes severely infected and is beyond repair through root canal therapy.


Why should I replace my missing teeth?

Missing teeth lead to many issues, from compromised aesthetics to reduced functionality of your mouth when you chew. Missing teeth can also cause the adjacent teeth to tip into their empty positions, and disturb your overall balance in occlusion or ‘bite’. The surrounding jaw bones that support teeth also begin to deteriorate once a tooth has been lost, so lesser bone support for a later prosthesis or implant can become a problem too!

Replacing missing teeth is vital for several reasons such as:

  • Oral Function – Missing teeth can affect your ability to chew properly, making it difficult to eat certain foods.
  • Speech Improvement –Missing teeth can cause speech impediments or affect pronunciation
  • Maintain Facial Structure – Your teeth support the shape and structure of your face. Missing teeth can result in sunken cheeks or sagging features.
  • Boost Self Confidence – Feeling confident in your smile can positively affect your overall well-being and quality of life.
  • Prevent Dental Issues – Gaps left by missing teeth can cause neighboring teeth to shift or tilt, leading to further misalignment and bite problems.



Dentures are acrylic replacements for multiple teeth, usually worn by older patients who have lost too much bone support for an implant, are too weak systemically to undergo an implant procedure or who have no supporting teeth on either side to have a fixed bridge. They can be complete or partial dentures and can also be made fully with acrylic or have a cast metal base in certain cases for added retention and support.

Dental Implants

Quality dental implants can last over a decade with the right care. Dental implants are revolutionary in the replacement of missing teeth. Not only do they prevent the need for drilling the adjacent teeth, but they are a permanent replacement for a missing tooth altogether! They are small screws made of the precious metal Titanium, which carries within it a unique ability to attract bone cells and become integrated within the jaw bone- a phenomenon known as “osseo-integration”. The implants are hollow, hence supports a middle piece which connects the implant with the final crown on top, completely replacing the lost tooth or even multiple missing teeth altogether!

Dental implants can be combined with other options like dentures to make them more comfortable or secure. This is known as implant-supported dentures. If you have limited bone density available, you may be eligible for All-on-four implants, which use as little as 4 implants strategically placed into your jaw to restore a missing set of teeth.


Dental Bridge

A dental bridge is like a fixed dental crown, but with more than one tooth attached to each other. Usually when there is a missing tooth, you can create a “bridge” between the two healthy teeth and the missing tooth, to replace the lost one and to close the space created by the same. The two teeth on either side need to be trimmed accordingly in order to support the bridge and to allow an even bite. Not only does this prevent the two teeth tipping in towards each other, but also restores your ability to speak, chew and smile easily!

No matter the cause behind your missing teeth, feel confident that our team of dental professionals at Wyndham Dental has a solution just for you.


Practicing good oral hygiene such as brushing twice a day, flossing daily and limiting sugary snacks and drinks can help prevent cavities.

Certain factors like jawbone density and overall health may affect eligibility. Visit one of our experienced dentists and we can assess if you are a good candidate.

Yes, modern dental restorations are designed to closely match the appearance of your natural teeth so you won’t be able to tell the difference!

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