Orthodontics In Werribee

What is Orthodontics?

Our orthodontic treatments at Wyndham Dental in Werribee are a great solution for fixing crooked or misaligned teeth that can affect your confidence. But, it’s not just about achieving a perfect smile—orthodontics also plays a crucial role in overall oral health. Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that corrects teeth alignment, issues in the jaws facial irregularities. It is a relatively long-term treatment that uses devices, such as braces and aligners to fix your smile.

At Wyndham Dental, our skilled orthodontists have years of experience and training to help deliver the best treatment plan for you to have a beautiful new smile.



Get the straighter teeth you've always wanted with the best dentists in Werribee. Book now for a consultation!

Do I Need Orthodontic Treatment?

One of the most common misconceptions regarding orthodontics is that you have to be a younger patient to be eligible for treatment. However, that’s not true; as patients of all ages are capable of receiving orthodontic treatment, starting as young as 4 years.

Some signs that you may need treatment include:

  • Crooked teeth
  • Overcrowded teeth
  • Large gaps between teeth
  • Overbite / underbite/ crossbite
  • Protruding teeth
  • Jaws click or make noises when you chew
  • Your jaw feels sore after eating
  • Difficulty biting your food
  • Frequently cutting your tongue on teeth
  • Gum recession or sensitivity
  • Uneven tooth wear
  • Early loss of baby teeth
  • Speech issues

What Are the Orthodontic Treatments We Offer in Werribee?

Metal Braces

Conventional braces work by placing constant pressure on each tooth to correct misaligned or crowded teeth. They are made with metal brackets connected by metal wires and elastic bands bonded to the teeth. These wires are periodically tightened to move the teeth to the desired position.


Lingual Braces

Made out of metal brackets and wires, these braces are placed on the inside of the teeth to be unnoticeable, allowing your teeth to be effectively repositioned while remaining virtually invisible from the outside. They are a discreet option for those who are uncomfortable having visible braces.


Clear Braces

Clear braces or ceramic braces are tooth-coloured and clear, so they seamlessly blend with your natural teeth making them a popular option for adults or older teenagers who may feel self-conscious about wearing visible braces.



Available only for teenagers and adults, Invisalign is a type of removable, clear aligners that have to be replaced with a new set every few weeks. Today this is a popular and modern option for those that need orthodontic care. These aligners are used to correct a range of orthodontic issues, including mild to moderate crowding or spacing, overbites, underbites and crossbites.



After braces or aligners have done their job, retainers are used to maintain the new position of teeth. They are custom-made and should be worn for a recommended number of hours per day. They can be removed and put back on with ease.

Is Orthodontic Treatment Necessary?

A misaligned smile can make you feel more conscious of your appearance, affecting your ability to smile confidently in photos or when out and about. In addition to aesthetic concerns, several dental issues can arise, which can negatively impact your oral health and overall well-being. Orthodontic treatments in Werribee offer a solution to address these problems by helping straighten and align your teeth.

Here are some common examples of issues that can be fixed with orthodontic treatment:

Wear & Tear

Misalignment in the jaw can place additional pressure on your teeth as they have to exert extra effort for daily functions such as chewing food. This can cause enamel erosion, giving way to tooth sensitivity, and higher susceptibility to the development of cracks along the teeth.

The strain on your jaw joints can also contribute to TMJ disorders, which can often be extremely painful and uncomfortable. Orthodontic treatment can reduce this pressure by realigning your teeth and jaws.

Tooth Decay

As crowded or crooked teeth are nearly impossible to clean effectively at home, they are more vulnerable to tooth decay through the buildup of plaque and tartar. This means that bacteria may thrive in these hard-to-reach areas, causing painful infections, tooth sensitivity and cavities to form over time.

Speech Issues

Severely misaligned teeth can interfere with the smooth flow of speech and affect your ability to express yourself clearly and confidently. It may create a lisp and cause discomfort for tongue placement.

Orthodontic treatment can help correct the alignment of your teeth and jaws, which can improve your clarity of speech and make it easier for you to communicate more effectively.

Sleep Apnoea & Breathing Issues

Sleep apnoea is a tiring and uncomfortable sleep disorder that causes your breathing to stop and start repeatedly while you’re asleep. It could be caused by certain dental issues, such as having a narrow dental arch or a severe overbite which can be fixed with orthodontic treatment.

Orthodontic treatments such as braces and aligners can correct misaligned, crowded or spaced teeth, bite irregularities, and jaw alignment issues to improve not just the appearance of your smile but also your oral health and overall well-being.

Orthodontic Treatment Procedure

During the initial consultation, our expert orthodontists will perform a comprehensive examination of your mouth to outline the best possible options. Additional details such as x-rays or a mould of your teeth will be taken during this appointment to better plan out your treatment.

Once your evaluation is finalised, we will begin treatment. The length of treatment will depend on the procedure needed. For instance, braces work by exerting constant pressure that prompts your jaw to gradually conform into shape and you’ll have to visit our orthodontist every 6 to 8 weeks or as instructed to ensure your braces are well-adjusted at all times. If you have aligners, you will typically be given multiple sets with detailed instructions on how to use them to minimise the need for frequent dental visits.

After orthodontic treatment is completed, you will have to wear retainers (plastic removable plates) for 3 months or longer to ensure your teeth remain stable and straight.

Aftercare tips for Orthodontics

You have to be careful when maintaining oral hygiene with braces because the better care you take, it’ll be much more comfortable and effective. Braces, brackets and wires are also prone to breakage and should be handled lightly with great care. Here are some easy tips to follow:

  • Food is especially prone to getting stuck between braces and teeth, so make sure to brush regularly after every meal. Make sure to be gentle.
  • Rinsing can help in situations where brushing is not possible after a meal. Rinse carefully with water or mouthwash.
  • Floss at least once a day. Our orthodontists can guide you on how to floss properly with braces.
  • Avoid foods such as hard candy, gum and popcorn that are likely to get caught in the braces and break them.
  • Consume sugary beverages and starchy food moderately, as you might be at a slightly higher risk of tooth decay.
  • Schedule regular checkups with our professional orthodontists in Werribee to ensure that your dental appliances are working fine.


Cost of Orthodontic Treatment in Werribee

The cost of your orthodontic treatment depends on the severity of misalignment, the type of treatment selected and the duration.

However, when you visit us for your consultation, we can give you a more accurate breakdown of the cost after assessing your mouth. We offer flexible financing options to help you achieve a straighter smile. Contact our friendly team today to find out more details!


Why Choose Wyndham Dental for Orthodontics

With years of experience straightening smiles and improving oral health, Wyndham Dental is your trusted orthodontist in Werribee. From early orthodontic care to teeth straightening for adults, we offer a range of orthodontic treatments to suit your needs and lifestyle. With personalised treatment plans and attentive care, you can rest assured that your smile is in safe hands at Wyndham Dental.

We also offer a comprehensive range of dental services, including but not limited to general dentistry, family dentistry, and preventative dentistry.

FAQs about Orthodontics

Yes. Clear aligners like Invisalign and ceramic braces are some great and effective alternatives. They are less noticeable and more comfortable for some patients.

With proper care and maintenance of your retainers as recommended by our orthodontist, the results of orthodontic treatment can last for a long time, giving you a lasting beautiful smile.

Get the smile you’ve always dreamed of with the best Orthodontic treatments in Werribee! Call us to book a consultation today.

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