Gum Disease Treatment

Gum Disease Treatment in Werribee

If you have swollen or bleeding gums, bad breath or a metallic taste in your mouth, it could be a sign of disease. Keep reading to find out more on how our skilled dentists at Wyndham Dental can help treat and prevent Gum Disease.


Effective Treatments for Bleeding & Irritated Gums

What causes gum disease?

Any form of inflammation in the gums is known as gingivitis, and if it progresses into the underlying supporting tissues of the teeth and alveolar (jaw) bones, it is then termed as periodontitis, which is more severe in nature. From a lack of good oral hygiene to severe inflammatory conditions, the causes can vary!

Here are a few reasons why you could be suffering from gum disease.

  • Plaque accumulation
  • Calculus and tartar build up
  • Processed sugary diet intake
  • Crooked teeth: difficult to clean
  • Smoking cigarettes
  • Mouth breathing
  • Dry mouth
  • Side-effects of certain drugs
  • Deficiency of Vitamin C
  • Diabetes mellitus

Poor oral hygiene and gingivitis

How exactly do these factors contribute to gum disease? The connection between poor oral health and gingivitis is remarkably straightforward. Similar to plaque, calculus and tartar, they directly provoke irritation in the gums, leading them to swell and develop into gingivitis. Bacteria is naturally carried by plaque but the intake of food especially ones with sugar can make the bacteria rapidly begin to feed upon and process the sugar, relasing harmful acids as a byproduct.

The result is swelling in the areas of high plaque and calculus accumulation, and sometimes even overgrowth of the gums in areas that are not cleaned daily or at all! Crooked teeth are usually difficult to clean with a toothbrush alone, so lack of flossing and mouthwash use also leads to localised swelling of the gingiva around the crooked teeth.


Dry Mouth

Anything that causes Xerostomia or dryness in the mouth, such as drugs, smoking cigarettes and even simple mouth breathing can easily lead to gingivitis. This is because the necessary amount of saliva is not being produced, which is needed to wash away flourishing bacteria and neutralise the pH in the mouth, thus generalised gingivitis results. Drinking water and keeping yourself hydrated can help, but sometimes you may need to talk to a dentist if the problem persists.


Systemic Conditions

Certain systemic conditions, such as the fluctuations of hormones in the body during pregnancy, and insulin resistance in the form of Diabetes Mellitus have a major link to gum disease. Pregnant women undergo pregnancy-induced Gingival Hyperplasia, which is severe swelling of the gums due to massive changes in hormone levels throughout their term.

Patients with Diabetes Mellitus have a higher level of sugar in their bloodstream, which creates a far friendlier environment in the mouth for bacteria to flourish as the soft tissues in the mouth are so richly supplied with blood, especially the gums. Therefore, they produce their harmful acids at a far higher rate and colonise, leading to swelling in the gums generally and in localised areas that are more susceptible. Some patients with epilepsy also may suffer from drug-induced gingivitis, as anti-epileptic medications bring about that side effect.


Abscess associated with Dental Infection

Sometimes, a gingival abscess or localised spot of severe inflammation could occur, due to an infected tooth, making dental decay an accessory to gum disease as well! It is like a swollen, pus-filled bump that forms in your mouth or gums when a bacterial infection takes hold. It is best to see a dentist ASAP if you experience any throbbing pain, swelling or even a bad taste in your mouth.


Vitamin C Deficiency

It is common knowledge that the lack of Vitamin C causes a certain disease of excessively bleeding gums, known as “scurvy”. Vitamin C is not only crucial for maintaining good immunity and health, it plays a vital role in the production of collagen, a compound necessary for maintaining elasticity in the skin and the gums alike. The lack of vitamin C leads to easy breakdown of the tissue and bleeding upon the slightest pressure, along with inflammation.

Treating gum disease

Treatment of gum disease can vary according to your smile and in its most severe cases, you may see the need for surgery. However, here are some of the treatments we offer and lifestyle changes you’ll have to make when diagnosed with this condition:

Scaling and root planing

In case of excessive accumulation of calcified plaque, known as calculus, it is important to consult us to have it removed and treated at your earliest. Scaling is the most effective dental procedure for the removal of calculus and tartar, which has accumulated in areas that cannot be accessed using a toothbrush or even floss.

Scaling and root planning can help restore the health and integrity of the gums and can prevent any further complications which may include gum recession leading to tooth mobility, a result of advanced periodontal disease.


Importance of flossing

Using toothpastes and mouthwash is essential to maintain good oral hygiene conditions. To prevent and treat gum diseases, toothpastes containing fluoride must be used to help in eliminating bacteria. Flossing is very important because brushing alone cannot remove plaque and food debris that may have accumulated in the interdental spaces. It is usually the inter-dental and sub-gingival (below gum level) plaque that causes the development of gum diseases. It is for this reason that brushing along with regular flossing is considered the ideal method of maintaining good oral and dental health.


Smoking is a leading cause of gum disease

In order to prevent the development of gum diseases, it is important to quit smoking, which also has a major impact on all internal organs of your body affecting your general health!


Cost of Gum Disease Treatment in Werribee

The cost of gum disease treatment can vary depending on the severity of your condition. Upon assessment, extensive treatments like scaling, root planing or even gum surgery might be needed. It is best to consult with one of our experienced dentists who can evaluate your specific condition and provide you with an accurate cost estimate.


Improve your oral health

At Wyndham Dental, we want to help educate you regarding good oral and general health, because sometimes this is all you need to prevent serious complications like gum disease in your smile from arising. So drop by for a consultation with our amazing team of Werribee dentists and dental hygienists to improve your dental health and your smile!

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