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Common Causes of Tooth Stain

Teeth stains are among the most common dental concerns, affecting many people striving for that bright, confident smile. If you’re considering whitening your teeth or wondering why your smile looks darker than it used to, understanding the causes of tooth stain is a great place to start. Discolouration can occur due to various factors, and while some may be within our control, others are simply a part of life. When you know what makes enamel darken, you can take proactive steps to help your teeth look their best by taking preventive measures or seeking the right treatments to maintain them. … Continue reading


Five Reasons to Invest in a Straighter Smile

If you think getting braces as an adult is something that’s more of an “elective” procedure, think again. At Wyndham Dental, our patients choose to straighten their smiles for a variety of reasons, some of which you may have never considered. To Manage TMJ Disorder Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (“TMJ” or “TMD”) is a painful condition that causes headaches, limited range of motion, and jaw pain. Sometimes, it’s exacerbated by a misalignment between the upper and lower teeth. If your TMJ has to make atypical movements to chew properly, it can lead to overall fatigue. Braces may help that.   To … Continue reading


Top Causes of Cavities

Do you or certain members of your family tend to get cavities more often than other people? Even if you’re not eating sweets or lollies regularly, there could be reasons why tooth decay is popping up more frequently than you feel it should.   Sodas and Sports Drinks From the diet soda you sip in the afternoon to the popular sports drink you hydrate with at the gym each day, these liquids are loaded with natural sugars and acids. As liquids, they can reach all areas of your teeth, causing the enamel to weaken more quickly than most people think. … Continue reading


Why Should Missing Teeth be Replaced?

You’ve had an excruciating toothache for a few days. Now that you’ve been able to get in to see our Wyndham dentists, it’s decided that the best option is to have your tooth extracted. Mainly, because there’s just not enough healthy structure left to restore. Removing your tooth provides timely pain relief.   But it’s not the end of the story. After having a tooth pulled, you’ll want to get it replaced in a timely manner. Here’s why:   Your Opposite Tooth Can “Super-Erupt” Each tooth is designed to have a biting partner in the opposite arch. But if one … Continue reading


Veneers vs. Porcelain Crowns

When it comes to enhancing the way your smile looks, there are numerous options to choose from. Two of the most popular choices include cosmetic veneers and porcelain crowns. But depending on your oral health needs, one may be more appropriate than the other. Advantages to Veneers Placing a veneer over the front of a tooth changes the way it looks without “treating” the entire tooth. They’re ideal for everything from mild discoloration and crowding to smaller or misshaped teeth. When paired side by side, veneers are safe to treat the entire visible smile. Some of our patients refer to … Continue reading


Why Healthy Dental Patients Need Regular Checkups

You’ve always had great teeth, haven’t had a cavity in years, and between two kids, a dog, and your favourite hobby, are busier than ever. When it comes time to schedule your next dental appointment, you think to yourself, “It’s ok to skip this one. I don’t usually have any dental problems.” Before you realize it, it’s been three years since your last checkup. While it may not seem like a big deal to see a dentist every six months, it’s just as important for our Wyndham patients with healthy teeth as it is for people with chronic dental problems. … Continue reading


Common Symptoms of Tooth Decay

“Do I have a cavity?” It’s a question we hear a lot at Wyndham Dental, and for those of us who tend to get cavities fairly frequently, it’s not a surprise. But if it’s been years since you’ve had — or you’ve been lucky enough to never have — a cavity, it’s a logical thing to ask.   Signs to Look For Aside from need a clinical exam and digital X-rays to thoroughly screen for smaller cavities, here are a few symptoms to keep your eye out for:   Discoloration or darkening. Not all cavities are dark holes on your … Continue reading


How to prevent tooth decay

Cavities take quite a long time to develop, in fact, with regular visits, your dentist can often detect changes in your tooth enamel long before a hole develops. Holes in teeth begin when bacteria that are fueled by sugars in your saliva start eroding the good minerals in your teeth and break down tooth enamel. As the enamel wears away, cavities start to develop. Eating or drinking sugary or starchy foods feeds the bad bacteria that attack tooth enamel and causes an ‘acid attack’. If you eat sugary or starchy foods often, and you don’t clean your teeth after eating … Continue reading