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Teeth Straightening for Adults: Why Does This Benefit You?

Think you’re too old for teeth straightening? Did you know, orthodontic patients actually have a better success rate if they’re adults! Teeth straightening is an option open to patients of all ages and walks of life. If you’ve been second-guessing this treatment, here are the benefits it will offer you: Increase in confidence A straighter smile alone can give you a complete smile makeover. Having confidence in the appearance of your smile can lift your confidence as a person! A straight, healthy smile is one of the best first impressions to make so if this is holding you back, teeth … Continue reading


Cosmetic Teeth Straightening: Everything You Need to Know

Ever looked for an option that allowed you to straighten your teeth in the shortest possible time? Cosmetic alignment options might be something you want to consider! The more comprehensive procedures that take up to years usually involve addressing your entire bite. Cosmetic teeth straightening, on the other hand, is strictly limited to your front teeth- the ones most noticeable when you talk and smile. Hence, this is a treatment more dedicated to aesthetic purposes. Faster Results! It’s usually required to keep your braces on for at least 24 months or more to see results. There are far fewer teeth … Continue reading

braces and Invisalign

Invisalign vs. Braces: The Best Choice for Adults

A straight smile isn’t just a beautiful accessory that can help you feel more confident. It’s also crucial to ensuring that you have the healthiest teeth, gums, and TMJ for years to come. That’s why so many adults choose to invest in orthodontic treatment later on in life. If you’re at the point of deciding which type of braces are right for you, you’ve probably asked yourself, “Should I get braces or Invisalign?” The answer, almost always, is “it depends.” Here are some different reasons why you may need to choose one over the other.   Conventional Braces Traditional orthodontics … Continue reading


Five Reasons to Invest in a Straighter Smile

If you think getting braces as an adult is something that’s more of an “elective” procedure, think again. At Wyndham Dental, our patients choose to straighten their smiles for a variety of reasons, some of which you may have never considered. To Manage TMJ Disorder Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (“TMJ” or “TMD”) is a painful condition that causes headaches, limited range of motion, and jaw pain. Sometimes, it’s exacerbated by a misalignment between the upper and lower teeth. If your TMJ has to make atypical movements to chew properly, it can lead to overall fatigue. Braces may help that.   To … Continue reading