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Side-Effects of Crooked Teeth

A misaligned smile isn’t just an aesthetic concern. While most of us think having straight teeth means wearing the perfect accessory, it goes much deeper than just looking your best when you’re smiling for a photo. There are functional and health side-effects that we often see in our Wyndham patients with crooked teeth.   Fractured Dental Work Your restorative crowns and fillings are durable enough to withstand everyday wear. But irregular biting patterns put heavier amounts of pressure on specific points in your mouth. When that happens, your dental work can fracture when you least expect it.   TMJ Disorder … Continue reading


Common Causes of Tooth Stain

Teeth stains are among the most common dental concerns, affecting many people striving for that bright, confident smile. If you’re considering whitening your teeth or wondering why your smile looks darker than it used to, understanding the causes of tooth stain is a great place to start. Discolouration can occur due to various factors, and while some may be within our control, others are simply a part of life. When you know what makes enamel darken, you can take proactive steps to help your teeth look their best by taking preventive measures or seeking the right treatments to maintain them. … Continue reading

braces and Invisalign

Invisalign vs. Braces: The Best Choice for Adults

A straight smile isn’t just a beautiful accessory that can help you feel more confident. It’s also crucial to ensuring that you have the healthiest teeth, gums, and TMJ for years to come. That’s why so many adults choose to invest in orthodontic treatment later on in life. If you’re at the point of deciding which type of braces are right for you, you’ve probably asked yourself, “Should I get braces or Invisalign?” The answer, almost always, is “it depends.” Here are some different reasons why you may need to choose one over the other.   Conventional Braces Traditional orthodontics … Continue reading


How Gum Disease Affects Your Health

If you didn’t already know it, gum disease — also called periodontitis or periodontal disease — is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults. But it’s not just your smile that’s at risk. Having active gum disease can lead to a host of other health complications if left untreated. Here are just a few: Diabetes — Gum disease makes it difficult, if not impossible, to manage glucose levels in people with diabetes. Researchers have suggested that the cyclic condition of glucose and gum disease constantly worsening the other is best treated through improved dental care.   Cardiovascular Disease, Heart … Continue reading


Top Causes of Cavities

Do you or certain members of your family tend to get cavities more often than other people? Even if you’re not eating sweets or lollies regularly, there could be reasons why tooth decay is popping up more frequently than you feel it should.   Sodas and Sports Drinks From the diet soda you sip in the afternoon to the popular sports drink you hydrate with at the gym each day, these liquids are loaded with natural sugars and acids. As liquids, they can reach all areas of your teeth, causing the enamel to weaken more quickly than most people think. … Continue reading


Why Healthy Dental Patients Need Regular Checkups

You’ve always had great teeth, haven’t had a cavity in years, and between two kids, a dog, and your favourite hobby, are busier than ever. When it comes time to schedule your next dental appointment, you think to yourself, “It’s ok to skip this one. I don’t usually have any dental problems.” Before you realize it, it’s been three years since your last checkup. While it may not seem like a big deal to see a dentist every six months, it’s just as important for our Wyndham patients with healthy teeth as it is for people with chronic dental problems. … Continue reading


Common Symptoms of Tooth Decay

“Do I have a cavity?” It’s a question we hear a lot at Wyndham Dental, and for those of us who tend to get cavities fairly frequently, it’s not a surprise. But if it’s been years since you’ve had — or you’ve been lucky enough to never have — a cavity, it’s a logical thing to ask.   Signs to Look For Aside from need a clinical exam and digital X-rays to thoroughly screen for smaller cavities, here are a few symptoms to keep your eye out for:   Discoloration or darkening. Not all cavities are dark holes on your … Continue reading


Flossing: How to do it Right

Many people don’t know how to floss properly.  The dental therapists and hygienists at Wyndham Dental can show you some tips that will help you improve your technique. When to Floss: Flossing should be a part of your daily routine.  Preferably you would floss after each meal, but we know this is not always realistic.  Your goal should be to at least floss once per day.  A great time to do this is at night, before bed, and after you’ve brushed your teeth. Tips to Help with Better Flossing:  There is more to flossing than just sliding a string between … Continue reading


Types of Toothaches and How to Treat Them

Not all toothaches are created equal. Some may be less harmful, while others require immediate attention of our Wyndham emergency dentist. Here are some of the most common types of dental pain that we see in our practice and what you should do for each. Sharp Pain — Not all cavities hurt, but if you’re experiencing sudden pain out of the blue or when you’re eating, it could be due to tooth decay. See our Wyndham dentist early, before the cavity has a chance to spread and become more problematic (especially if there’s an abscess.) Pain When You Bite Down … Continue reading


Facts You Should Know About Dry Mouth

Dry mouth, also called as xerostomia, is a condition that is characterised by chapped lips, difficulty in swallowing food, feeling of dryness or burning sensation in the mouth. Listed below are few important causes of dry mouth- Dehydration – Low water intake can dehydrate your body and cause dryness in mouth. Hence, try to keep yourself hydrated by wetting your mouth or drinking plenty of water. Tobacco consumption – Tobacco, in any form, when consumed frequently can result in reduced salivary flow. Due to the dip in salivary flow there is a hike in the tendency to develop dental cavities. … Continue reading