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What to Expect During a Scale and Clean

When you come in for your Scale and Clean at Wyndham Dental, there’s a lot more that goes on than just the polishing of your teeth! A Scale and Clean is a vital part of your oral hygiene since it helps identify oral diseases in their earliest stages- when they’re more affordable and far easier to treat! Aside from the removal of tartar buildup, here’s what else you can expect at your appointment:  Measurement of Gum levels Your gum levels play an important role in helping your teeth stay stable. Receding gums can lead to increased tooth sensitivity, which can … Continue reading


4 Dental Issues That Are Signs of Sleep Apnoea

Wondering if you have sleep apnoea? There are several signs of this condition that you can’t quite miss- and some of them affect your oral health too! Here are some dental symptoms you’ll notice if you have sleep apnoea. Flattened teeth When you run your tongue along your teeth, do you find that they are sharp, rough around the edges and worn down? This is one of the most common signs of a sleeping disorder! This happens because your sleeping disorder deprives you of oxygen when asleep. Your bodily reaction to this is to clench your jaws tight. Over time … Continue reading


What is Gum Recession?

Gum Recession is actually a very common dental condition. It can get progressively worse and escalate into a severe issue if it isn’t addressed, however. It can also make you rather self conscious of your smile and leave you with increased sensitivity. What Causes Gum Recession? There could be various factors at play when it comes to your receding gums. It can boil down to your genetic makeup and anatomy or be a habitual problem like brushing your teeth too hard, which is a more easily fixable situation. Other habitual factors include tobacco use and grinding/clenching your teeth and possible … Continue reading


Prep Your Child for a Dental Appointment!

Is it your child’s first visit to the dentist? Or perhaps it’s not but they’ve had a bad experience in the past? It’s not unusual for our patients- specially the kids- to be anxious or scared of visits to the dentist. That’s why we’ve put together a few tips for all you parents wondering how to lessen the anxiety for your children. Here’s what you can do: Play ‘dentist’ Children will naturally fear what they know little about. You can help them get comfortable with the thought of a dentist by role-playing as a practitioner with your child. You can … Continue reading


Everything You Need to Know About Bleeding Gums

Do your gums tend to bleed every time you brush or floss? Sensitive gums that bleed are far more common than you may think but there are several underlying factors that could be at play here. Depending on the root cause of your bleeding gums, we can either recommend a few simple remedies or commence a more intensive process! One of the most common causes for bleeding gums is gingivitis. This is a condition that occurs with an accumulation of plaque along your gum and teeth. Naturally, if this buildup is neglected and your daily flossing isn’t observed, your gums … Continue reading

At What Point Do I Need a Filling?

You think you might have a cavity. But you’ve been holding off seeing our Wyndham dentists until you’re sure that there’s something going on. Right now, your tooth doesn’t really hurt. You only feel a small twinge every now and then. But how can you know — for certain — that you need to go ahead and get a filling?   Cavities Don’t Always Hurt Did you know it was possible to have a large cavity without any symptoms of pain? Some cavities hurt while others do not. Other signs you can look for include rough edges, sensitivity to sweets, … Continue reading

Tooth Decay in Children

Primary (baby) teeth are typically brighter and whiter than their future permanent adult replacements. But did you know that the enamel in baby teeth isn’t as strong and resistant to tooth decay? When a primary tooth develops a cavity, the lesion can spread very quickly. Not only will it go deeper into the tooth all the way to the nerve (causing an abscess), it can also spread to adjacent teeth or into the permanent tooth below. As a parent, you may be asking our Wyndham dentists if it’s better to pull the baby tooth or have it filled. Since it … Continue reading


Easy Ways to Lower Your Cavity Risk

Do you seem to get a new cavity every year or so? Do you refer to yourself as someone with “bad teeth” (or just bad luck?) Fortunately, tooth decay is a preventable infection and there are easy steps you can take to prevent it from recurring or spreading between your dental checkups. In addition to scheduling regular checkups and cleanings with our Wyndham dentists, here are some effective tips to try on your own:   Drink More Water Water is a natural cleanser. When you sip on it throughout the day, it helps lift away bacteria and food debris. Since … Continue reading


Common Causes of TMJ Disorder

TMJ disorder (TMD) typically presents itself as chronic headaches, popping and clicking noises, limited range of motion, or difficulty eating. Since you rely on your TMJ (jaw joint) thousands of times per day, it’s important that it can function properly. But what you may not have realized is other conditions contributing to TMD, rather than the joint “flaring up” on its own. Here are some of the most common TMJ pain causes you should know about. Crooked Teeth Misaligned teeth and jaws mean that your TMJ has to change the way it moves when it’s time for you to eat. … Continue reading


Should I Get an Oral Sleep Appliance?

If you snore or have sleep apnoea, an oral appliance might be a smart investment. Unlike CPAP machines that force air into your lungs, an oral sleep appliance naturally opens your airway so that you can breathe easier. Our Wyndham dentists can work with your physician or pulmonologist to determine if a mouthpiece could help you sleep more soundly! How Oral Sleep Appliances Work An oral sleep appliance is similar to a mouthguard that fits over your upper and lower teeth. The difference is that it guides your lower jaw forward, so that soft tissues at the back of your … Continue reading