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4 Steps to Follow When You Break A Tooth

Breaking a tooth can happen to the best of us. We’re always ready to handle dental emergencies at Wyndham Dental but there are some ways you can prepare yourself too! Here are some steps you can follow: Stop the bleeding Your mouth can bleed quite heavily once it sustains an injury. Your first priority is to make sure you can control the bleeding. Use a clean washcloth to apply pressure to the area. This will encourage a clot to form and stop the bleeding. If this doesn’t work, call our dentist immediately for more measures and make your way to … Continue reading


Should You Whiten Before Cosmetic Treatments?

Considering cosmetic dentistry to smoothen out your smile? There are many procedures such as veneers, bonding or fillings that are quite popular. However, we recommend considering whitening your teeth first, and here’s why: Dental work can’t whiten If you have dental restorations done (fillings, crowns or veneers), these materials will be custom made according to the color of your natural teeth. Made up of ceramic materials, these restorations won’t respond to the bleaching solution. Superficial stains that accumulate on your dental work can be removed but the foundational color will always remain the same. Hence, if you decide to whiten … Continue reading


What to Expect During a Scale and Clean

When you come in for your Scale and Clean at Wyndham Dental, there’s a lot more that goes on than just the polishing of your teeth! A Scale and Clean is a vital part of your oral hygiene since it helps identify oral diseases in their earliest stages- when they’re more affordable and far easier to treat! Aside from the removal of tartar buildup, here’s what else you can expect at your appointment:  Measurement of Gum levels Your gum levels play an important role in helping your teeth stay stable. Receding gums can lead to increased tooth sensitivity, which can … Continue reading


What is Gum Recession?

Gum Recession is actually a very common dental condition. It can get progressively worse and escalate into a severe issue if it isn’t addressed, however. It can also make you rather self conscious of your smile and leave you with increased sensitivity. What Causes Gum Recession? There could be various factors at play when it comes to your receding gums. It can boil down to your genetic makeup and anatomy or be a habitual problem like brushing your teeth too hard, which is a more easily fixable situation. Other habitual factors include tobacco use and grinding/clenching your teeth and possible … Continue reading


Prep Your Child for a Dental Appointment!

Is it your child’s first visit to the dentist? Or perhaps it’s not but they’ve had a bad experience in the past? It’s not unusual for our patients- specially the kids- to be anxious or scared of visits to the dentist. That’s why we’ve put together a few tips for all you parents wondering how to lessen the anxiety for your children. Here’s what you can do: Play ‘dentist’ Children will naturally fear what they know little about. You can help them get comfortable with the thought of a dentist by role-playing as a practitioner with your child. You can … Continue reading


Everything You Need to Know About Bleeding Gums

Do your gums tend to bleed every time you brush or floss? Sensitive gums that bleed are far more common than you may think but there are several underlying factors that could be at play here. Depending on the root cause of your bleeding gums, we can either recommend a few simple remedies or commence a more intensive process! One of the most common causes for bleeding gums is gingivitis. This is a condition that occurs with an accumulation of plaque along your gum and teeth. Naturally, if this buildup is neglected and your daily flossing isn’t observed, your gums … Continue reading

At What Point Do I Need a Filling?

You think you might have a cavity. But you’ve been holding off seeing our Wyndham dentists until you’re sure that there’s something going on. Right now, your tooth doesn’t really hurt. You only feel a small twinge every now and then. But how can you know — for certain — that you need to go ahead and get a filling?   Cavities Don’t Always Hurt Did you know it was possible to have a large cavity without any symptoms of pain? Some cavities hurt while others do not. Other signs you can look for include rough edges, sensitivity to sweets, … Continue reading


When to Wear a Mouthguard

When it comes to protecting your smile, there are a variety of different mouthguards available on the market. The design, size, and shape of each one depends on what the guard is meant for. Not all are created equally. At Wyndham Dental, we might recommend one of the following mouthguards based on your unique smile and lifestyle: Snore Guard — People with sleeping disorders, obstructive sleep apnea, or snoring can get a special mouthguard made that improves their breathing. You may see improvement within the first night! These mouthguards move your jaw in a slightly forward position.   Sports Guard … Continue reading


Easy Ways to Lower Your Cavity Risk

Do you seem to get a new cavity every year or so? Do you refer to yourself as someone with “bad teeth” (or just bad luck?) Fortunately, tooth decay is a preventable infection and there are easy steps you can take to prevent it from recurring or spreading between your dental checkups. In addition to scheduling regular checkups and cleanings with our Wyndham dentists, here are some effective tips to try on your own:   Drink More Water Water is a natural cleanser. When you sip on it throughout the day, it helps lift away bacteria and food debris. Since … Continue reading


Side-Effects of Crooked Teeth

A misaligned smile isn’t just an aesthetic concern. While most of us think having straight teeth means wearing the perfect accessory, it goes much deeper than just looking your best when you’re smiling for a photo. There are functional and health side-effects that we often see in our Wyndham patients with crooked teeth.   Fractured Dental Work Your restorative crowns and fillings are durable enough to withstand everyday wear. But irregular biting patterns put heavier amounts of pressure on specific points in your mouth. When that happens, your dental work can fracture when you least expect it.   TMJ Disorder … Continue reading