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Why You Should Be Considering Overdentures!

Missing teeth, when left untreated for a long period of time, can give way to a number of health issues. Fortunately, at Wyndham Dental we offer a range of treatments for patients to choose from. Overdentures, in particular, are fast becoming a popular tooth replacement option. Wondering if this is the best option for you? Overdentures offer many benefits, including: Extremely secure Overdentures function by artificial teeth being held in place by 2 implants in the upper and/or lower jaw. These dental implants are surgically inserted into your jawbone, which means your teeth are held securely in place. This addresses … Continue reading


Why Fluoride Treatment is Great for Your Oral Health

Ever heard of fluoride treatment after your routine scale and clean at the dentist?  This treatment isn’t just for kids! Fluoride treatment is a great option for patients of all ages, and here’s why! Reduces tooth sensitivity Have you noticed increased tooth sensitivity to new things as of late? This could be anything from a change in temperature, to your morning coffee, toothpaste or post-whitening treatment. Tooth sensitivity, while not immediate cause for alarm, is an indication of how well your teeth react to stimuli and can also be an early sign of receding gums. Applying fluoride helps act as … Continue reading


Getting your first filling!

With the advancement of dental care and preventative techniques, risk of tooth decay has drastically reduced! But, unfortunately, this is still quite a common dental issue in Australian households. Cavities can still occur from time to time so if you’ve found out you have tooth decay for the first time and need to consider a filling, here’s what you need to know! Filling Material The type of your dental filling is important, and this usually depends on the location and severity of your cavity. Fillings are usually made out of tooth-colored composite material but if you have a large cavity, … Continue reading


4 Quick Dental Treatments for a Smile Makeover

Decided to give yourself a smile makeover but don’t know where to start? At Wyndham Dental, we offer a range of high quality cosmetic dental treatments that will improve the aesthetics of your smile in no time. Here are four of the fastest and most effective treatments you should consider: Whitening One of the most effective methods of transforming your smile is teeth whitening. Professional whitening often gives better results when compared to over-the-counter products. Once you whiten your teeth, you may find that you don’t need any other treatment but we also offer more complex treatment plans! Composite Bonding … Continue reading


Best Treatment Options for Cracked Teeth

Suspect you may have a cracked tooth or wonder what measures we take at Wyndham Dental to treat them? Diagnosing a cracked tooth and identifying a treatment plan often depends on two main factors: the severity and location of the crack. Here are some of the best treatment options we have available at Wyndham Dental for cracked teeth: Bonding/Filling Surface cracks usually don’t cause any structural damage to your teeth but they may be noticeable in the mirror, especially once they pick up any stains. These small cracks and chips in your enamel can easily be bonded or filled over. … Continue reading


Why You Shouldn’t Skip Your 6 Month Checkup

Ever been told you need to schedule a dental checkup at least twice a year? Some of you may have wondered if a 6 month checkup is really necessary for people with healthy smiles. While it may not seem essential at the time, there’s far more to it than you realize! Here’s why you shouldn’t miss that 6 month checkup: Oral Cancer Screening Oral cancer is one of the world’s most common cancers! Most people aren’t even aware of their condition until it’s progressed to an advanced stage with severe symptoms. At Wyndham Dental, we diligently scan for any signs … Continue reading


Should You Whiten Before Cosmetic Treatments?

Considering cosmetic dentistry to smoothen out your smile? There are many procedures such as veneers, bonding or fillings that are quite popular. However, we recommend considering whitening your teeth first, and here’s why: Dental work can’t whiten If you have dental restorations done (fillings, crowns or veneers), these materials will be custom made according to the color of your natural teeth. Made up of ceramic materials, these restorations won’t respond to the bleaching solution. Superficial stains that accumulate on your dental work can be removed but the foundational color will always remain the same. Hence, if you decide to whiten … Continue reading


What to Expect During a Scale and Clean

When you come in for your Scale and Clean at Wyndham Dental, there’s a lot more that goes on than just the polishing of your teeth! A Scale and Clean is a vital part of your oral hygiene since it helps identify oral diseases in their earliest stages- when they’re more affordable and far easier to treat! Aside from the removal of tartar buildup, here’s what else you can expect at your appointment:  Measurement of Gum levels Your gum levels play an important role in helping your teeth stay stable. Receding gums can lead to increased tooth sensitivity, which can … Continue reading


4 Dental Issues That Are Signs of Sleep Apnoea

Wondering if you have sleep apnoea? There are several signs of this condition that you can’t quite miss- and some of them affect your oral health too! Here are some dental symptoms you’ll notice if you have sleep apnoea. Flattened teeth When you run your tongue along your teeth, do you find that they are sharp, rough around the edges and worn down? This is one of the most common signs of a sleeping disorder! This happens because your sleeping disorder deprives you of oxygen when asleep. Your bodily reaction to this is to clench your jaws tight. Over time … Continue reading


Prep Your Child for a Dental Appointment!

Is it your child’s first visit to the dentist? Or perhaps it’s not but they’ve had a bad experience in the past? It’s not unusual for our patients- specially the kids- to be anxious or scared of visits to the dentist. That’s why we’ve put together a few tips for all you parents wondering how to lessen the anxiety for your children. Here’s what you can do: Play ‘dentist’ Children will naturally fear what they know little about. You can help them get comfortable with the thought of a dentist by role-playing as a practitioner with your child. You can … Continue reading